That Was The Week
Another fairly quiet wiki week as I've been doing on a lot of writing for the latest release, as well as preparing for the next using the info coming from the Agile meetings.

We're still inching towards 4.2: I think that should be with us this coming week. To that end I've been studying all the changes Atlassian have made and have set up a page listing the updates and who should be interested in what changes. 

I'm not trying to dictate to our users who can use what - in fact everyone can see the full list, so can look at what they want. What I've done is to suggest which departments the changes affect the most, and the updates that will be of most interest too them. In other words, to supply a level of focus so that people can see what's most important to them, rather than wading through a list playing spot-the-benefit. 

I find that making a person's ability to use Confluence easier is the best way to get them to become more active within the wiki.

While I was looking through the updates, I came across an enormous list of functions that are either already available in the current version, or will be with 4.2. 

Although I like to think of myself as a fairly experienced user, there's clearly a lot that I wasn't aware of. Which is great: now there's even more to play with. BTW, if you're reading this and you're my boss, I mean 'there's even more functionality that will help make me even more productive.'

This list is called the 'Full Features List 180 features.' And comes with this helpful advice: Get comfortable.

Tip of the Week
A brief look at one of Confluence's many functions.

Name: Status Macro
Available from: Insert/Other Macros

Have you seen the coloured Status macro that you can use to label a page's content? They come in four colours (grey, red, yellow and green) so you can use them to show an easy-to-see view of, for example, a task's status. You can add your own custom caption too. So you could use red to mean 'on hold', yellow for 'on going' and green to mean 'finished'.

You can also use them to help organise your tasks in your own way. For example, I might have finished a piece of writing that's been sent for review. To save me having to trawl all the words on a page looking for its current status, I could add a yellow label at the top of the page saying 'Sent for review'. Which means I'll be able to see the page's status almost as quickly as it can load.

I'm not sure if there's maximum number of characters you can use as I gave up counting at 100. That's not very practical as you can't use line breaks, which means it extends across the page without breaking.

Which isn't very handy, but I suspect that Atlassian didn't design it with that in mind.
That Was The Week That Was
If you've been following my progress using the page includes macro you'll be delighted to know that this is now live to clients and working very well.

As usual some of my week was spent looking after other user's and helping them with their problems. Not that there are many: yes things do go wrong from time to time but I can't fault Atlassian's responses and help when problems arrise. Most of the issues I deal with are quite simply and easily resolved, for example:

  • people forgetting their log on details
  • people wanting help with a task, for example, moving page.
  • people finding something that needs fixing but they are unsure how go go about it.
Of course I have to police any content changes in the client areas, but given that I can review all changes from within the email notifications I recieve, this doesn't take very long. That said, the more content we have and the more people we have editing and contributing it, the more notifications I recieve. This is something you have to keep on the ball with, and I review every notification as it arrives. 

Time consuming? Yes. Pain in the backside? At times, sure, but if you don't do it you run the risk of something being published that you just might wish hadn't. So far, and because clients and colleagues are professionals, this hasn't been an issue.

Confluence for Technical Documentation
This week also featured a very informative one hour webinar entitled Confluence as a Platform for Tech 
 which was presented by, among others, Sarah Maddox, one of Atassian's technical writers and author of Confluence, Tech Comm, Chocolate. I was fortunate with the timing of this as it started at 1700 CEST, which meant the Australia participants were up well past their bedtimes and those in the USA had an early start.

Shortcuts - The Film
I recently described using shortcuts to speed up actions and production, but I think this could benefit from seeing this in action. 

Now thanks to the power of Jing, you can do that very thing by clicking here.
Another working week has flown by and sadly it was a forum-free week: my time was devoted to more urgent tasks, such as writing a How-To guide on setting up and using blogs.

Not that I mind giving people more info on how to make better use of Confluence, but sometimes when you really want to crack on with a project, it becomes a project that is destined to slip out your grasp. 

Ultimately that won't happen with the forum, because I'm determined not to let go of it until it's working and being used by clients.

Shortcuts and Macros
One of the jobs I've been doing as a background task for the last few weeks has been to convert the contents of a spreadsheet into a series of wiki pages.

This equates to seven columns of data for each row, and several hundred rows, all of which have to be split into separate pages. Each page contains one or more table depending on the type of info. And while all of these are separate pages (99 in total), they all have to be grouped into one page so that they can be searched en-masse and printed as a PDF.

The process for doing this is easier than you think, thanks to some helpful built-in functionality, aka, macros.

Although adding all the data from the spreadsheet is laborious and time-consuming, once you've added them, the process of grouping them onto one page is very easy. All you have to do is insert a macro into the page you've created to group the content on, choose the page you want to include, then saving the macro and the page. The whole process takes about a minute normally.

To do this you can use another one of Confluence's brilliant shortcuts. In this case the shortcut is the left facing curly bracket. 

Another example of a shortcut is pressing the 'E' key to open the current page in edit mode. Brilliant! It's this sort of thing turns Confluence into the Swiss Army Knife of technical documentation.

When you're in Edit mode, enter a '{' and the Macro suggestions window opens, see Figure 1Next press the Up arrow key to select the Open Macro Browser option, and press Return.

Now start typing the letters 'I, N, C' (you can use lower case, these are capitalised for clarity) in the search box. Bear in mind that you don't even have to click in the search box as the cursor's already there 
(yep, even more labour saved). 

When you do this, the number of macros displayed is reduced to only those whose name contains the letters you enter.

The next step is to select the appropriate macro and enter the only parameter it needs, the page's name. 

Figure 2 shows the Include Page macro, while Figure 3 shows the parameter I've entered in the Page to include field. All you have to do now is press Insert to close the macro window, and then save the page.

When you do this, the macro automatically gets the content of the parameter page and displays it on the page you've just saved. To add all the other pages you need using a seperate Include Page macro for each one.

The contents of the group page are automatically refreshed whenever you open it, so if the content of the parameter page is edited, it is the new content that is displayed.

But wait, I hear you say, what if I want to include a page that is in another space, is that possible? Providing you have permission to view that page, then yes it is possible - and not only that, Confluence makes it easy for you to do so. 

Spaced In
When you start typing in the Page to include field, after you've entered two or more letters a list appears based on those letters, see Figure 4.

The list contains pages with that name from all the spaces you can see. If you run the mouse over the options, the name of the space appears, see Figure 5.

All you have to do is select the appropriate option, press Insert and save the page. The parameter you select has both the space's key and the page's name, for example - spacekey:pagename.

I'm not sure if there's a limit on the amount of Include Page macros you can use on one page, but I've used 67 so far one page and it still works exactly as expected. In most cases you won't need to use so many (and if you do stand by for some te-di-um) and the benefits are well worth the effort. 

For a start you'll have all the info in one place, which makes it very easy to create a PDF (in two clicks) with all the content from all the included pages. For searching, you'll have all individual pages which can all appear as separate results. And you'll have one page with all the appropriate info which you can search using your browser's built in functionality.

Details and Benefits
What I like about the ease of use we get with the shortcuts and macros is the attention to detail they show. Both demonstrate how much thought Atlassian put into their products, thought that all Confluence users can benefit from.